busy scene of archeofuture complicated multi-level magical village in tropical jungle beneath an abyss, hundreds of tiny lights, thatchpunk clockpunk steampunk, nightlights, leafy forest, electric flowers, glistening, creatures humans, cascading waterfalls, reflective river, delicate filigree sci fi bridges, holes, ivy, vines, hanging moss, rising mist, mossy winding stone steps, glowing lights, style of arcane by riot games, cinematic lighting, wide angle, technicolor, eye level, epic composition, defined details, intricately detailed, photorealistic.

busy scene of archeofuture complicated multi-level magical village in tropical jungle beneath an abyss, hundreds of tiny lights, thatchpunk clockpunk steampunk, nightlights, leafy forest, electric flowers, glistening, creatures humans, cascading waterfalls, reflective river, delicate filigree sci fi bridges, holes, ivy, vines, hanging moss, rising mist, mossy winding stone steps, glowing lights, style of arcane by riot games, cinematic lighting, wide angle, technicolor, eye level, epic composition, defined details, intricately detailed, photorealistic.